Barcode, 2D Data Matrix, QR Code Readers, and Software Packs
Barcode, 2D Data Matrix, QR Code Readers, and Software Packs are especially used along with our marking systems to verify and confirm the marked content by reading and comparing with any data in a given database.
In addition to our Dotpeenator series dot matrix marking machines and Laserator series laser marking machines, our code-reading hardware consisting of smart cameras and handheld readers and our reader software is capable of reading hard-to-read QR codes and barcodes and 2D Data Matrix Codes, serving our customers in many industries for many years.
Laserator, Dotpeenator marking machines along with our code reading cameras and software are mostly integrated with daily used factory software such as ERP, MRP in the scope of Industry 4.0 to ensure instant monitoring of the operation stages of a manufacturing field and a product in all stages of manufacturing. In addition, these products are the most important tracking equipment in aftersales activities, especially to determine whether the product is in-warranty / out-of-warranty scope.
- DPM Handheld 2D Data Matrix, Barcode and QR Code Readers
- DPM QR Code and QR Code Reading Smart Camera and Software
- Windows Based Advanced QR and 2D Data Matrix Code Reader Software, Camera and Lenses
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